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Restoration Art Institute (RAI) implements the following Quality Policy designed by the management of the Institute jointly with the managers of the subdivisions:
1. Development if the Institute as the innovative higher educational institution presupposing priority development of scientific and restoration studies and their effect on the scope of academic activity;
2. Integration of the educational, scientific and innovation activity in restoration domain aimed at progressive growth of the Institute accounting for dynamic changes in the economic, social and personal need;
3. Fullest realization of the available scientific and educational potential of the Institute, preservation of the scientific traditions, development of the existing and creation of new scientific and restoration schools, ensuring extended reproductive performance of the intellectual potential;
4. Maintenance of the high realization quality of educational programs, application of advanced technologies, including information technologies, implementation of the progressive organizational forms of the academic activity and active educational methods;
5. Enhancement and development of the material and technical base aimed at improvement of the quality of offered services;
6. Formation of socially compelling personal qualities, valuables, motivation and behavior of young people, inspiration of the corporate spirit;
7. Maintenance of the leading role of the Institute between higher educational institutions of related profile, strengthening of the international cooperation, promotion of the Institute amongst foreign higher educational institutions.
Management of the Institute undertakes to ensure extensive support of the teachers, staff and students upon implementation of present Policy.